
Welcome to the Sound Freedom Blog! ‘Sound Freedom’ is the name of a music EP I released in the past and it felt like a good fit when thinking of a name for this blog site.

If you know anything about sound bites, then ‘thought’ bites are those moments of reflective writing I feel blog spaces are designed for!

I don’t centre my blogs on one specific area of interest. I appreciate the spontaneity, routine and diverse complexities of life and the bursts of reflection in my thought life that follows. So much so, I like the space to concisely express them here.

So from music to musings, perfume to politics, faith and fashion; as the inspiration spins in my mind, I’ll write it, share it, and hopefully the blogosphere will like to read it.

F. Y. Kainyah

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.”King Solomon

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